Life13 Nov 2008 10:48 am

The day before we left Edmonton, I was pretty busy making sure everything was packed and all my errands that needed to be done were. The mommy gang was supposed to get together in the afternoon and we had Bible study that night as well. When our get together was canceled due to sickness, we invited everyone over here for a good time of catching up.

When Leah and I were walking back from our errands, I noticed a nice spot in front of a senior’s home right on one of the busiest streets to take some pics. The leaves were dry and still had colour and a few gentlemen with their walkers paused to watch the shenanigans. I am still working on my photography skills and am super proud when I get a good shot. Here is a few from what I got:
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Leah sure is growing up fast. She does not like the reclining position in her car seat anymore and definitely prefers sitting up to lying on her back or stomach. This is how she sat for our mile long walk back home, which I think wouldn’t be very comfortable as your legs are raised up slightly. I guess this is what you do for a more expansive view than just your mother’s face.

Leah now has a tooth! You can any see it if you try really hard but you can feel it. We were eating out and I was engaged in conversation when Morgan leaned over and told me there was something he forgot to tell me. Leah had pulled his finger into her mouth and clamped down and he felt something hard. I rudely interrupted and exclaimed that my child now has a tooth! She wasn’t even fussy about it.

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