Life22 Jan 2009 05:39 pm

My mom came over yesterday and I invited her to come with us to story time at the local library.  Leah was not her overly happy self but was okay with a little help from her soother.  We sang a lot of nursery rhymes that were around when I was a kid and I am sure were around when my mom was a kid too along with a few Raffi tunes for good measure.  My mom brought over a few goodies from the past that she came upon while doing a intense winter cleaning of every nook and cranny in her house.  Leah now is proud owner of OshKosh overalls (which I believe never go out of style for babies, though I probably could have skipped that fad in high school looking back at pictures), a sweater to grow into to that my Oma knit and a strawberry jacket that my mom sewed for me when I was young.

My mom hardly saved anything clothes wise, which is probably for the best but still has most of our toys.  When she got out some rattles for Leah, I totally remember them from I was little.  There were a few toys everyone my age seemed to have; a fisher price rotary telephone, a rainbow xylophone and a tupperware shape sorter (red and blue with yellow shapes to put into the ball).  I was pretty happy when Leah received a rotary phone just like I had when I was a kid, except that hers is pink.  I am not sure if she will ever know how to actually dial that phone, even if she has it till she’s ten as who has a phone like that anymore?  I love a trip down memory lane… so here is Leah wearing the same overalls I did (or my sister, my mom’s not totally sure) over twenty years later playing with her new phone.


For the record, Leah now weighs 17 lbs, 10 oz and is looking and feeling great!


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