Life17 Feb 2009 09:36 am

It has been two years since this day….
So much has changed in two short years. Our relationship has grown through the joys and challenges of interweaving our lives together and now we have added another strand to be woven into our family. Marriage is a beautiful thing, as is parenthood. A journey where you never really arrive and continually try to seek the joys around the next bend. It is not easy (though you would never believe anyone before you got married), but so worth it (no one could explain this adequately either).

Last year we went out for dinner and Morgan prearranged for the waitress to bring us some nonalcoholic wine. A few short months later we welcomed Leah. This year we will have to wait for the weekend to celebrate as that is when it works best for the drive out to our babysitters (aka Grandma and Grandpa). Though last year was special, I think we will both appreciate our movie and dinner more this year as we can not go out on a whim anymore. We are so blessed.

One Response to “Two Years”

  1. on 17 Feb 2009 at 10:50 am Laura

    You look at life in such a wonderful way, Sandy. Enjoy your dinner and a movie on the weekend!

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