Leah loves all of her birthday gifts (even the clothes though her mom loves and appreciates them a little more) and the cards as well. One of her recent favourite pastimes is to reach up and grab cards from the TV stand or the shelves and open and close them to her heart’s content.
I love getting her all dressed up in her new clothes and watching her interact with anything new. Anything new is not necessarily a gift or expensive but can be as simple as a wooden spoon and a big bowl or a wagon ride.
For her birthday, Leah received a wagon (with cup holders for sippy cups) that she enjoys thoroughly. Until our house sells, it will reside with Grandma and Grandpa but I am sure it will get used often. Leah had no fear of being pulled around, even when her Uncles were running and doing pop-a-wheelies with her. Good thing she was wearing her seat belt (no five-point harness but it did the trick).
I took Leah to visit our doctor today to primarily get her one year shots. I hate the whole experience as Leah cries and freaks out and then is generally pretty cranky the next day. I was so nervous about giving her Tylenol when she was younger and am still not a big fan but if that will alleviate crankiness, we will do what we have to do. She received four shots today and by number two she was freaking out. I felt so bad for her but know it is for her own good. When we left the office, everyone in the waiting room was staring at us because they had all heard the cries of desperation. We said a quick good bye while I was shoving bits of mum-mums in Leah’s mouth in an effort to keep her from bursting into tears again.
Leah weighs twenty pounds, is twenty-eight inches long and doing great. She is eating well and even though she dislikes cow’s milk and hates formula, I will start weaning her from breastfeeding right away (now that I officially have doctor’s permission). I will have to take it upon myself to do some research to make sure she is getting enough calcium and vitamin D (which will not be a problem in the summer) until she drinks enough cow’s milk as it is fortified with them.
Here is my girl loving her food.
I cut up spaghetti noodles before giving them to Leah as it would be very difficult to feed them to her otherwise but last night after she finished her bowl, Morgan and I put a few long noodles on her tray. At first, Morgan helped her and then she would slowly feed them into her mouth with her hand. A little time consuming to eat all of dinner that way but fun to watch a one year old try to figure out how to overcome the challenge.