This little, sweet, adorable, precious girl has been slowly asserting more independence every day. Although this whole growing up thing has been in progress every since she existed, it hit me in a whole new way this week when Leah said no to me for the first time this week. Mentally I know this is a good, healthy sign and knew this was obviously going to come but emotionally I don’t think I feel the same way. I would rather she not shake her head and say no and instead eat her fruit and veggies without a fuss. I would love it if she shared her toys willingly with her friends and play independently when it comes time to make dinner.
Her independence also can be very helpful as well. Most of the time Leah loves to feed herself and refuses to be fed by anybody else which works well for me. When it is time to go outside, Leah loves to sit on the step for me to help her put her shoes and socks on. She understands the basic concepts of getting ready and sometimes tries to do it herself with little success. Still, I love it when she tries. Even though she can’t do it on her own, she helps me out by listening to my basic instructions such as “time to sit down” and “lift up your feet”.
When we go to the park, Leah will run to whatever piece of equipment she would like to use and raise her hands if she needs help to get on it. She still loves to go on the swings but also enjoys slides, teeter-totters and springy vehicles.
My favourite thing Leah has learned recently is giving kisses. They are loud, slobbery and truly a mother’s delight and even given when requested. How sweet.