Life30 Nov 2009 10:17 pm

With Christmas coming up soon, I thought it was a great time to make some keepsakes for years to come with Leah. She, however, had a different plan.
After making some great, gooey finger paint, I put both of the girls into their high chairs to contain the mess and put some paint on their trays. Leah refused to touch it. She even whined when she got a little bit on her hand, motioning me to wipe it off for her.
Gabby fully understood the concept and went so far to even try a bite. Not sure how flour and water mixed together tastes but she didn’t try a second time.
In my years of teaching daycare and preschool, I never shied away from getting messy with the kids and always assumed my children would enjoy creating with messy materials too. Apparently not. I gave her some time but still she just watched. I did get a little masterpiece from her by encouraging her to use a paintbrush I had on hand.
I won’t whine and complain too much though as having a child who wants to stay nice and clean has its benefits too. I’m sure she will find a great balance as she grows.

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