Life23 Dec 2009 08:38 am

I took the girls on their first field trip to Krause Farms with a couple of other moms and their kids. We had lots of fun browsing, singing and eating together enjoying the festivities of Christmas. They had a gigantic teddy bear that all the kids loved. He received many hugs and pats along with eye and nose pokes that day.


My mom helped me out a lot that day. I think Leah and her friends were also happy to see a grandma around as they got special treats before lunch. Her is some of the leftover icing from Leah’s gingerbread man.


We put the kids all over the place (on top of an old farm wagon, on a deck of a tiny, cute house) and tried to take some pictures before they got upset, ran away or put themselves in danger. Here is one of Leah and Gabby hanging out with the greenery. I have one of Leah in the same spot last year. Maybe this will have to be a new tradition.


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