Life27 Feb 2010 11:38 pm

Leah is growing up and expressing her independence in new ways as of late. She definitely is one determined little girl who cracks us up on a regular basis. Here are some of her new finds.

She is now designing her own jewelry.
Trying to make a hard hat look stylish with a dress by putting in on her head in every direction. Backwards won out.
Getting ready to go to the job site.
Cooking up some goodness.
Trying to help a friend by putting on his shoe.

After some convincing, Leah accepted that is was possible for her to own and use a jacket besides her brown winter coat. Now she goes out in her adorable, ladybug rain jacket when the weather is a bit warmer. On this particular day she picked out her hat as well. She loves to pick out what she wants to wear no matter the weather. I figure she is a smart girl and those gloves she is determined to wear in the warm sunshine will be off soon enough once we are outside. And if not, a little bit of sweat never hurt anybody.

Not everything is a choice though. If it is wet outside and we are going out to the yard, she needs to wear her rainpants, etc. I do try to jump ahead of her a bit when we are going out in public or when she doesn’t have a choice so then she only is given one option. Leah is a girl of opinions so we are continually trying to balance letting her make her own choices and what is best for her. I’m sure we will be still trying to find that balance as it gets readjusted so often for the rest of our lives.

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