I love when Leah helps me with whatever I’m doing. Actually, that is mostly true. It can be a little tricky when she wants to help me with something that is hard to scale down to her level but for the most part it is one of my favourite parts of parenting. Here we are making strawberry custard pies at Grandma’s house.
We have a great park very close to our home that Leah loves to visit. Daddy got to come with us to the other day so it was especially fun. Leah loves to go as high as you will push her on the swing. She doesn’t quite understand why I won’t push her that high when she is in the big kid’s swing where you need to hold on.
I was helping my mom clean out a bedroom at her house and we came upon a suitcase that my mom thought was empty. It had some weight to it, so I opened it up and found some treasures from long ago. There were sweaters that my great Oma, my Oma and my mom had knit as well as some outfits that we had as kids. I found a cute sailor dress that my Oma had sewn for me that Leah can wear as a top.
Lastly, here is Leah fixing her watering can with a wrench and then proceeding to water the flowers with a funnel.