October 2010

Life28 Oct 2010 03:00 pm

One Saturday morning Leah and I decided to visit my mom at her work before heading off to a lunch date. They were really busy as it was Thanksgiving weekend so Leah and I helped out a bit where we could. Pumpkin pies were selling quite fast so I helped out by putting on the pie crust leaves on to the top of the pie. Leah was feeling a little left out so my aunt got her a slightly burnt pie that was unsaleable and she put on the same leaves over and over again. She took her time, was very careful and was happy to be busy.

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Leah is convinced that every place we could ever go has toys for her to play with. We were at a restaurant the other day when Leah declared she was done eating her dinner and ready to go play. I told her there were no toys but she didn’t believe me. As it was a very small, open restaurant with only our large party there at the time, I told her to go and look for some. Though at first it seems odd to think everywhere has toys, it has been mostly true for her. Grandma has a whole toy cupboard, her friends all have lots of toys, the Dr’s office has a basket and even the local coffee shop has a whole playroom devoted to kid’s entertainment. Everywhere else we visit, such as the grocery store, Leah is too busy with the cart or other business that there is no time to look for toys.

When we were visiting a friend of mine at her parent’s house Leah asked for some toys. I didn’t bring any except for a few small doodads in the diaper bag as usually Leah is pretty good at entertaining herself. We did find a few toys downstairs that we brought up for her to play with. I remember having the same Fisher Price farm set as a kid. They also had a great tea set for Leah to play with as well. I love the toys from my childhood. They were so simple and quiet yet a child could be amused for hours with some help with their imagination.

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Tomorrow will be the last day I look after Leah’s best buddy. They have spent so many hours playing, exploring, eating and creating together and have grown so close. I hope they will remain close friends for a very long time. I was looking back at pictures from when I first starting looking after her and it is amazing how much they have grown and how their relationship has developed alongside their personalities.

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Leah received a tricycle last Christmas and has now learned how to pedal. For the first while, we kept it indoors but now it stays outdoors as she gets the hang of it. She hasn’t had much practice as I put it away when I have daycare kids here but seeing how much she enjoys this new accomplishment, we will be taking it out more.

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One Sunday morning we went for a small stroll around the neighbourhood before church. Our street has a downhill slope which Leah really enjoyed. Going back home up the alley was a little more difficult as it was uphill and more narrow with ditches on either side. I’m glad Morgan was there to help steer Leah along.

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Last weekend I joined my group of ‘mommy friends’ and spent a night in Whistler. We had a really nice time relaxing, eating and chatting it up with each other. The fall colours were gorgeous as was the scenery on the way up.

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I tried to be artsy…

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We had a great time and the talk of getting away together again has already began. Though I loved the time away, I also cherished the big hug and excited greeting I received when I walked in the door.

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Life05 Oct 2010 07:52 pm

We went to the pumpkin patch with some friends last Saturday and had a lot of fun. First we checked out the animals in the petting zoo. Leah is still a bit nervous when it comes to animals but really enjoys petting them away from their face.

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There was a really old tractor the kids could sit on that Leah enjoyed. We went on a hay ride over to a small corn maze which led to the pumpkin patch.

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There were so many pumpkins to choose from. Leah would pick one up and then express her dislike for that pumpkin because it was dirty.

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She did settle on this little pumpkin and was proud to take it home.

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Life01 Oct 2010 09:36 pm

Leah got her first hair cut yesterday. I was a little nervous about it but I absolutely love how it turned out. Here are a few before pictures.

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Leah got to sit in a cool pink car, watch a movie and play with some toys while cutting her hair cut. I think she was a little over stimulated at first though she did really well.

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The end result.

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Leah has some awesome (natural) streaks in her hair.

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Today was such a warm, glorious day I didn’t do circle or art today with the kids in favour of spending two hours in the back yard. It was so warm I kept taking off layers off the kids. They played so well outside and enjoyed the sun just as much as I did. Here is Leah on the go.

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I love seeing Leah all dressed up and still playing hard with Tonka trucks and running away from me with a tool box. The irony strikes me as funny. Also, a rare picture of me with my favourite girl. I seriously have to start changing that and getting more pictures of us together.

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Last weekend my sister, Leah and I joined my mom on her lunch break. Leah loves going to visit Grandma, especially at her work. She even got some freshly made ice cream.

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A few of my friends have had baby girls lately which has motivated me do to some sewing. Though I have been feeling quite busy and haven’t devoted much time at all to sewing, I do enjoy putting a cute, little dress together for a precious, new bundle of joy.

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