I’m so grateful for an awesome park so close to our house. Leah knows where all the good puddle jumping spots are in the park. She brought her baby scrunched up in her carrier to the playground and pushed her baby on the swing. Good practice for pushing Joel.
Hanging out before breakfast. One of my favourite mommy moments is watching Leah making Joel smile.
Leah and Joel.
Last Tuesday we went to Crescent beach to meet our friends. Leah had a great time throwing rocks into the water and playing with her shovel while my friend and I compared notes on ages and stages. Leah has a bunch of friends who were born within a month of her and it is crazy how they act so much the same even though they rarely see each other. Certain milestones I expect to happen around the same time but different quirks and mannerisms I thought would be more individual. For example, Leah likes to have all the doors closed in our house and will go around to shut them if I’ve opened them, just like some of her other friends.
It has been such a great support and encouragement to have friends raising children similar in age. When Leah is going through tantrums or other tough disciplinary stages, it is reassuring to know you aren’t the only one and that there isn’t something dreadfully wrong with your parenting or child that is causing it.
Couldn’t agree more! Can’t wait until the summer when Liam and I can spend more time with our friends!