June 2015

Life09 Jun 2015 08:33 pm

Last Saturday was a beautiful day so we ate some breakfeast, packed up some lunch and biked to the pool. Joel has been apprehensive about the water so we thought a family trip to the pool might help. We went to Second Beach Outdoor Pool which has an amazing view as it is next to the ocean. Leah really enjoys the water slides and I enjoyed some time swimming laps on my own.

After swimming, we ate our picnic lunch and headed off to see a friend play at his art jam. We hung out for a bit, colouring with sidewalk chalk and letting Leah get her face painted. After that, Morgan took us to the world’s best gelato. It was delicious.



On Sunday Leah went swimming in the ocean with her friends and had a blast. There is so much to do with so much beauty so close to our house. I’m looking forward to an awesome summer with time spent home and away on vacation.


Life03 Jun 2015 08:50 pm

This is out of order as I’m going through our pictures and slowly updating my neglected blog.

Shortly before Christmas we sold our van. It was good to us but feels nice not to own this beast anymore.
Painting! Joel would much rather paint with a brush than finger paint.
Leah, however, is not afraid to get her hands dirty. She’s making a hand print wreath, our yearly tradition going strong.
Another yearly tradition – Operation Christmas Child.
Our living space is rather small and although I would love a real tree, it just isn’t practical (and I don’t think it is allowed in our building either). So I spread out our big newspaper roll down our hallway, added some paint and cut it out and voila, a Christmas tree.
We helped bless some local seniors. These are the gift cards all prettied up so they can go into a stocking.
We also went to Canada Place and saw the old Woodward’s window’s Christmas displays of old. There were crafts, lights and general festivities. Then we walked over to a hotel which had massive gingerbread house displays. They were amazing.