Leah is on the move all over the house and loves to pull up on whatever she can find. When her friends come over, whether they are crawling or walking, she will follow their lead. It’s been fascinating to me how Leah has interacted with other people, especially those of her peer group, as the months go by. Even when she was very young, she was already aware of so much but now she is exploring so much more. A few weeks ago I first noticed her moving her body side to side when she heard some music. How do they know what to do? Children are so amazing.
Though she is doing great at getting around, Leah does not totally grasp obstacles and height differences. She will crawl off the bed without any hesitation if you let her (which we do not) and try crawl over anything less than half a foot off the ground. Leah is slowly learning she can push things out of her way. In her excitement to see other people, she has been known to give the head butt.

I am sure she will learn valuable spatial skills all in time though I try explain these principles and give warning (Leah, no head butting; Leah, no crawling off the bed, you will get hurt; etc. ). I’m not sure why I get so caught up with these things when I know her mind can’t comprehend them yet. She will learn all in time.
We have also been practicing her fine motor skills. While dining out on Monday night with my family, my sister in law requested a high chair and declined the crayons and child menu as the highchair was for a baby. Once we arrived, I guess Leah looked older because crayons and the children’s menu were delivered to her. Leah did surprisingly well with the colouring though she was annoyed if you tried to take any of her three crayons away from her.
Here is her first masterpiece.

Colouring with three crayons at a time.

Trying to take my crayon. We are still working on sharing. I feel it might take awhile til we master the concept.