March 2012

Life20 Mar 2012 08:54 pm

Joel loves his rocking horse. He can climb up and rock on it all on his own. He even stands up while holding the handles (which I get him in trouble for, I just say no to him and tell him to sit).
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Hanging out with Granddad and playing with some toys before dinner. Joel has figured out how to put the shapes onto the poles.
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Joel wasn’t too interested in his cake, though he knew all eyes were on him.
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Leah enjoyed a cupcake. My mom took Leah to buy a present for Joel. Leah really wanted to buy him a rattle or other baby toys and my mom and dad had to convince her that a train would be more appropriate. My mom also helped Leah make a special card for Joel.
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Joel enjoyed some snuggles with Grandma. Leah was excited about playing with Joel’s new toys.
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On Joel’s actual birthday we had a very low key celebration. My sister made this awesome car cake.
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Such a happy guy.
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We went on a nice, little walk with Grandma that evening.
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Joel loves using his walker and can now steer it.
Joel is 21 pounds and 31 inches tall. He is a very content babe. He sleeps from 8 till 7 at night and naps at 10 and 2. He gives his smiles very generously. He can stand on his own for about a second and is getting better and better at balancing. He loves to eat with his hands. We are so thankful God has blessed us with such a wonderful boy.

Life20 Mar 2012 08:36 pm

This past weekend Joel went on his sleepover with Leah at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. They both had a blast, as did Morgan and I. We went snowshoeing up at Mt. Seymour. It was a beautiful day.
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Out on the trails, it was so peaceful. After snowshoeing, we went out for some Vietnamese food before picking up our kids. It was so refreshing to spend some time alone and at the same time I was glad to be able to see our littles again.

Life09 Mar 2012 04:29 pm

Guess who turns one in six days?

Life09 Mar 2012 04:24 pm

When I take time to savour, I learn so much in ways I do not expect. From a precious three year old girl who would like to simply watch ducks than rush off to the playground, even though time is limited.
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To not just take a quick glance but to really watch the ducks and the water and the leaves. To relax and take this moment in. To learn and to grow by experiencing creation. To sit contentedly in a wagon and watch the ducks puddle to and fro.
To take a trip to Stanley Park to spend time with the family even though we ‘don’t have time’.
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To climb benches, to jump in puddles, to laugh, to play and to run even though we ‘don’t have the time’. To take the time to get to know each other better. To form bonds that can reignite by a hug and a tickle, even though months may pass without a word.
When I rush about, I miss all these moments I ‘don’t have time for’. I do it (usually) with the best of intentions. Let’s rush off to preschool for socialization and for learning. I have to get the bathroom cleaned and veggies bought before our friends come over. Shouldn’t making time for my children and my husband be ahead of these menial tasks?