Life20 Mar 2012 08:54 pm

Joel loves his rocking horse. He can climb up and rock on it all on his own. He even stands up while holding the handles (which I get him in trouble for, I just say no to him and tell him to sit).
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Hanging out with Granddad and playing with some toys before dinner. Joel has figured out how to put the shapes onto the poles.
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Joel wasn’t too interested in his cake, though he knew all eyes were on him.
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Leah enjoyed a cupcake. My mom took Leah to buy a present for Joel. Leah really wanted to buy him a rattle or other baby toys and my mom and dad had to convince her that a train would be more appropriate. My mom also helped Leah make a special card for Joel.
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Joel enjoyed some snuggles with Grandma. Leah was excited about playing with Joel’s new toys.
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On Joel’s actual birthday we had a very low key celebration. My sister made this awesome car cake.
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Such a happy guy.
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We went on a nice, little walk with Grandma that evening.
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Joel loves using his walker and can now steer it.
Joel is 21 pounds and 31 inches tall. He is a very content babe. He sleeps from 8 till 7 at night and naps at 10 and 2. He gives his smiles very generously. He can stand on his own for about a second and is getting better and better at balancing. He loves to eat with his hands. We are so thankful God has blessed us with such a wonderful boy.

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