Growing Up and letting go (just a bit)
Yesterday I had a funny flashback to last September when I was teaching preschool. September is always stressful in the preschool world as you try to remember eighty new faces and put them together with names, never mind that each and every one of those eighty children has at least one drop off person that you should know the name of as well. In addition to remembering names, twice a week are the three year old classes with some young uns’ that have never left mommy’s side. Most of the kids let their parents go pretty easily but there is always at least one who has a very hard, emotional time. You go through all the motions of reassuring parents their precious child will be safe in our care while comforting said child and making going to the playdough table to play without mom sound like the equivalent of an all expense paid trip to Dinseyland, knowing that one or two or even two and a half hours apart is survivable by both parties and praying one day soon it will happen without tears.
Yesterday was the first day I left Leah in our church nursery while attending a morning Bible study. Yes, I was that paranoid parent who came back to check on her and make sure they knew my exact whereabouts at any given time and Leah had everything she could want at her disposal. Sure, the nursery has lots of toys but I brought in one from home that I know she likes and yes, the nursery workers were reassuring me at every turn. Everything changes when you become a mom.
We both survived the ordeal, even when my class ran a little late and I am happy to say Leah will be in the nursery next Tuesday morning as well! I didn’t plan on leaving her, but after the singing time I realized there was no way she was going to nap in my arms with other people around and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the Bible study with her. When I came to pick her up, there was many kisses and hugs and I didn’t want to let her down again.
As far as the growing up goes, Leah loves to sit up. Even more than sitting up, she loves to stand. The other day I put her on the futon sitting up and she fell over not too long after. I usually put a blanket or pillow on either side to help her out but this time I wanted to take a picture so I didn’t prop her at all. I just left her sitting for a few moments while I went into the kitchen and she fell over, totally not phased at all, just looking at life from another angle.