Life18 Nov 2008 05:37 pm

While I was out running on Sunday morning, Morgan spent some quality time with Leah. I had breastfed her and took out some mashed banana from the freezer to mix with some rice cereal for Morgan to feed her. While, I guess Morgan was too busy playing with her and tried to feed her a late breakfast. Apparently she just could not keep her eyes open.

I have made all of Leah’s baby food so far except for the rice cereal, which you can make yourself but it sounds pretty intense. I attempted to make her oatmeal thinking, how hard can it be. I ground up the oats in the blender and followed the package directions and taste tested it. It was still a little lumpy and tasted horrible. I never have cared for oatmeal, except in chocolate chip oatmeal cookies so I went for a second opinion. Morgan thought it tasted fine and thankfully, ate what I was going to freeze for Leah. I couldn’t even force myself to eat it…. I guess that is what brown sugar is for.

I thought I would try to make some peas for her as well. Not recommended unless you are truly hard core and have lots of patience, or you know some special technique that I don’t. I forgot about the outer peel of the pea, not sure how I forgot but found out it does not mush up into a nice consistency like all the other food I was preparing. I froze them in ice cube trays, transferred them into ziploc bags and she can try them out at 8 or 9 months. Yes, I am a true Dutch, thrifty woman.

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