So, I thought it might be a few more years till my child would mock me or demand the keys in exchange for happiness but apparently not. Today I was doing an aerobic video while Leah was hanging out in her exersaucer and she laughed for at least a minute straight at me. Better than crying I guess, but not by much. She is looking so grown up but at least the government dictates a few more years until she is allowed to borrow my car.
We have been up to a lot of mommy stuff lately and not much else. I feel like such a mom and I do have to admit, sometimes it is still a label I am getting used to. I take my child swimming and to story time at the library and have intriguing conversations about eating and sleeping habits of eight month olds. These conversations about the seeming mundane aspects of children that I have politely listened to over the years without totally comprehending I now partake in with interest.
I now understand why parents get annoyed when someone left their kid in the nursery with a runny nose… and then do it themselves a few weeks later desperate to get out of the house. I understand that working in a daycare is not in any way closely comparable to having your own child. I understand the stress of attempting to change nap or bed times. I understand the enormity of feeling responsible for every little thing in this little life that God has entrusted me with. I understand why a mom might meet dad in the garage before he even gets out of the car after a long day of work to pass off the baby.
It is a life like no other that I wouldn’t trade in for anything. Children grow up so fast right before our very eyes. It is so amazing to watch them learn, discover, laugh and explore. When people ask if motherhood is what I envisioned I don’t know how to answer. It is not what I envisioned though I have immense trouble in defining how it is different than what I thought. Parenthood is a journey like no other, unexplainable in so many ways; creating bonds with complete strangers, bringing immense joy and unforsakeable bonds. I am trying to enjoy every moment knowing they will pass so soon.
For now we are enjoying the swimming with excessive splashing…
…rub a dub dubbing…
… and being excessively tired after the workout.