On Saturday, we ventured over to Victoria and enjoyed the sun and flowers. Leah thought hard about who she would vote for in the upcoming election while admiring the grounds of the parliament buildings.
Leah had a great time ordering her first meal at a fancy restaurant. I was going to share some pasta with her but was concerned about the lack of vegetables in her diet all day so we ordered some veggies just for her. I asked for plain pasta with a few well cooked veggies. Fortunately, Leah is allowed to have cheese and oil or whatever dressing her pasta was soaked in along with her zucchini and other assorted vegetables that she enjoyed very much. I think she appreciated the deluxe version more than the plain macaroni with carrots and peas served at home.
As you can see in the above picture, we are preparing Leah for the university-prep preschool I am sure she will get in to (you know, just go through a few interviews and pay lots of money so your kid will be smarter). I am totally kidding and was appalled when the news was trying to show a correlation between those who had attended preschool and daycare and those ready to face the challenges of university. I could go on and on but for now I will share how excited I was when I saw Leah sitting ‘criss-cross applesauce’ unaided and umprompted. I have spent countless hours teaching and reminding children to sit criss-cross applesauce during circle (teaching time at preschool/daycare) and story times so my heart beamed when I saw Leah sitting like this. Even if it was for only half a minute at most.
This last picture was captured in on the ferry in between Leah’s insatiable love for the slide which had stairs that she could crawl up with someone spotting her. She loved racing this yellow car so she could be just like her Uncle David with his fancy, yellow race car. Here you go Dad, a go cart your granddaughter can drive with her parent’s approval.