Life04 Aug 2009 08:32 am

Getting ready
Trial run with the mattress
Now the real deal
Do not attempt at home without two strong, tall men in blue plaid shirts
Man, those couches are heavy
Put couches onto truck
Unload at new house, sit and relax on said couches while having a cool drink and pizza.
There are no pictures of the last step due to fatigue but I am sure you can figure it out.

2 Responses to “How to move couches out of an apartment”

  1. on 04 Aug 2009 at 12:00 pm laura

    If that how you get them out, how did you get them in????

  2. on 08 Aug 2009 at 7:23 pm Katherine

    oh man. i have to say moving those couches was just a little scary. your dad seemed to think it was a breeze though. glad they made it down without squashing anyone. that would have been nasty.

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