We received our keys to the house on noon so we loaded up the truck while Leah was having her nap and then waited for the minutes to tick by. I was a little nervous about leaving the truck outside loaded with no one nearby watching it so we took Leah’s ball outside and let her roam around courtyard.
She loves exploring and interacting with her environment.
I think our little girl has some spunk in her.
Not exactly sure what this dance move is called…
Playing on our crowded apartment deck one last time.
Sometimes I think she is very girly and other times I see her sharing some qualities with the tomboys. Leah loves to dance when she hears music, wherever we happen to be. She has also discovered how to put my purse around her neck and walk around and when we go shopping, she loves looking at shiny things, pointing them out and saying wow.
Other times she loves playing with the trucks at the park, can shove her friends with a football tackle when they are doing something she doesn’t like and gets filthy playing in the sand and dirt. We have taught her how to kick a ball which she loves playing with, but now thinks that is how you play with trucks too, by kicking them across the room.
I love seeing her develop and grow and sometimes wonder what she will be like a few years down the road. I can guide and nurture but her personality is definitely her own. I am loving the time now and also excited to see her bloom.