Life14 Sep 2009 03:34 pm

When we first saw our house, one of the big features that we loved was the yard. It was obvious that someone put a lot of time and heart into the garden but it had been let go for a few years. The garden follows the fence line in the back yard in addition to two islands but all you see was all of the overgrowth of plants and weeds alike.
The garden looked better instantly once you could see some of the soil. I was amazed at the bulbs that come up though they seemed to be overtaken by weeds. Here is an after shot.
Seeing the tremendous difference happen before my eyes is very satisfying work and I am looking forward to adding my own personal touches to the great fundamentals previous owners have built their garden around.

As I have been working on the garden, I have thought about all the parallels. Digging out weeds and trying to remove all of the roots in order to bring beauty is not an easy chore in the garden or in life. But that beauty is so worth it.

One Response to “Flower Bulbs”

  1. on 15 Sep 2009 at 8:30 pm Morgan

    Those are some nice looking flowers! Good job honey! 🙂

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