Life06 Aug 2010 02:15 pm

We were able to go up to the lake this past weekend and enjoy some beautiful weather with my family. The perfect way to start the day, sitting on the deck watching the lake with daddy. What a great view to enjoy while eating breakfast.

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Leah spent lots of time in her kiddie pool on the deck sinking her plastic boats, pouring water out of her watering can and splashing with Grandma. Having your feet in a cool pool in the shade was definitely a great way to enjoy the hot weather.

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Hanging out on the deck with Grandpa and George, her monkey also made for good times. Leah learned how to blow bubbles on her own which kept Leah busy for a few hours this weekend.

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Leah wasn’t too keen on swimming in the lake so she just dipped her feet in the water with Daddy. She liked ‘writing’ her name in the sand.

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It took Leah a few minutes to warm up to everyone when her uncles came up with a couple of their friends. Once she was comfortable, she enjoyed kicking the ball around with them.

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We went for a little boat ride but Leah wasn’t too impressed. We dropped her off and I got to watch the guys wake board and ski. They can do some pretty amazing moves.

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Leah loved all the time she got to spend with her Grandma and Grandpa. (I think they enjoyed it as much as she did.) Leah loved cuddling with Grandma for her nighttime stories before going to sleep.

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