Life28 Dec 2012 05:39 pm

We spent Christmas eve as a family and went to our church’s Christmas eve service. The kids made it through the whole service with the help of Cheerios and raisins. After the service, we came home and let the kids open one present.
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They opened a nativity set.
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On Christmas morning they opened Mr. Potato Head. The kids and I each decked out a potato. Leah and Joel were thrilled and we had to encourage them to open up more gifts.
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Joel was into opening presents this year. Leah made us a Christmas candle at preschool.
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Our Christmas tree. Leah and her buddy at daycare each painted a snowman and both helped paint and decorate the tree picture above our mantel.
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We hosted Christmas for our families this year. It was busy but I had lots of help from my mom and my sister. This year was a great Christmas.

One Response to “Christmas!”

  1. on 29 Dec 2012 at 8:42 am katherine

    We made it through with the help of Cheerios too. Except R dumped the cheerios down on the seat of the person in front of us, some fell on the ground, and some flew in the air in the general frenzy of keeping a 2 year old content during an hour long service. There may have been some screaming involved too. Glad you had a good Christmas!

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