Life25 May 2015 09:35 pm

Me with my awesome kids.
I’ve been quite active lately and this scenery is an amazing reward for getting up early or going out in the evening after the kids are in bed.


Leah is now 7! We held a small party for her at our apartment and walked all the kids over to the school at the end so the girls could play outside. It was a beautiful day with some great girls. Leah wanted a special cake that her teacher had brought in to the class so I got the recipe and made it.

I love this girl so much. She is kind, compassionate, thoughtful, full of ideas and smart.
We were waiting with friends for a bus in front of a hotel. Here are my kids imitating a friend pretending to be the statue of liberty, even though my kids have never seen or heard of the statue before. I’m thankful for their great friends and parents who let me take their kids on adventures with us.
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