Life14 Aug 2016 12:39 pm

Today we checked out Luxembourg gardens. It is a nice park with statues, water features, trees, grassy spots, tennis courts along with a playground. The amount of statues all over the town amazes me.

There were some little sailboats sailing the water blue this morning.


We saw a police car.


There are so many magnificent buildings here, inside and out. We walked a little ways from the gardens and saw this church.


We went to an international church this afternoon. It felt a little odd, and nice, to know most of the songs even though we are in a foreign country.

There are many stores and brands I recognize. Globalization can have so many benefits but walking around seeing a Disney advertisement for the latest kid’s movie in French makes me wonder at what price. Are we going to lose valuable parts of culture because we are all digesting the same things?

This trip has made me think a lot about cultures, our perceptions of each other and our emotions towards foreigners. In Ireland we stayed with our friends so we could ask away about typical life there. We are partially immersed in Parisean culture as we shop and walk around town but we also spend most of our days hanging out at tourist stops with other tourists. We’ve learned a lot about their history but now I want to learn about what family life looks like here. Maybe it’s time to look up a blog or two.

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